I’ve always loved life! I love to create, to learn, to compete, and I definitely love to encourage, and empower people. In the midst of all those things, I think my number one joy in life is watching my kids live as followers of Jesus!
People often ask me what I do, and honestly, it’s hard to give a short answer. Without question, my passion in life is Pastoring. It is what God has called me to, and will always be my main thing. I have been traveling as a preacher for years (some people would call me an “evangelist”). My heartbeat is to be a catalyst for local churches in their ministry, and to proclaim the gospel to the world. I’ve always loved the opportunity to meet, and be part of so many different peoples lives, so I relish the chances to preach at churches and events.
I started leading worship as a teenager, and still lead worship today (I’m the worship pastor at TheFour56 Church in San Angelo, TX). I love to write songs, but it’s not something I put much time into… maybe someday 🙂
Woodworking is a big part of my life now. I love the artistry it allows, and the opportunity to continue to grow in the skill of the craft. I have a woodworking company called Audax Woodworks.
I grew up playing soccer, and have always loved to compete. In my twenties, a friend of mine introduced me to Disc Golf. I thought it looked dumb, until I played it. Now, disc golf is something I invest quite a bit of time into; partly because I love to play, and mostly because it has become an incredible venue for ministry. I partner with a ministry called Eagles Wings Disc Golf to do chapel services on the Disc Golf Pro Tour. It is an incredible ministry that God is doing some amazing things through!
The first house my wife and I bought was a small 3 bedroom, 1 bath house. It was the epitome of the 50’s… doors everywhere, yellow ceramic tile, etc. We wanted to make some changes, and when I found out how much it would cost to hire a contractor, I decided to figure it out on my own. Since then, we have flipped 4 houses and a church (TheFour56 Church building) and own some rental property.
In the midst of all those things, my ultimate desire is to glorify Jesus in everything that I do.